Thursday, November 7, 2013

Logo Article

I think the Pro Bono Article was pretty interesting. Using the product to write out the logo of it gives it more of a realistic feel. It lets you see the product as well as telling you what it is differently then just seeing a picture of it would be like.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Movie Poster

The reason I picked this poster wasn't really because it was interesting, but more so because it is nostalgic to myself as well as I'm sure many others. Pokemon was a big part of my childhood since it first started when I was young and has been growing with me and everyone else through all these years. This poster takes me back to when I would get up early every Saturday just to see the newest episode. The writing on the poster easily tells you what the movie is about, that being the legendary pokemon Mewtwo going against its counterpart Mew. There is a lot more to the story but it gives you the basic plot of the movie. The way they are positioned on the poster however adds to that VS feeling since Mewtwo is on one side and Mew is on the other

Friday, September 20, 2013

Product Details

Working Product: The bed is designed to control common processes in a bedroom so that when you are ready to go to bed al you need to do is lie down. The bed has a small computer in it that you can program via the side panel and have things in your room set to do specific things when you lie down on the bed at certain times. You can set the temperature in the room, control the fan/light, have music playing, turn on and off the t and any other home entertainment you might have in your room.

Poor Product: The controller is designed so that any gamer only needs to press one button and your character will do all available options at once. There is an optional joystick attachment that can be plugged into the button in case you need to move/look around. Possible wireless capabilities where any wireless symbol will be picked up regardless of what you are trying to do.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Yogscast Photo

1. What is your computer experience?
A. I use the computer daily and have been since High School. I recently built my own computer and am upgrading and expanding my knowledge of it when I can. I'm Marc and I'm a PC.

2. What is your major class?
A. I am currently going for web design and development and will be looking into using that knowledge for video games or similar things.

3. What do you hope to get out of this class?
A. I am looking to further my knowledge with computers and its software as well as learning more about the things I am interested in.

4. Who is your favorite artist?
A. The Yogscast and Captain Sparklez for their wonderful rendition of the He-man "HEY YEAHAHAHA" song and their many other songs.

5. Write a five line story?
A. I do not have the mental capacity to accomplish such a task I apologize.
     There once was a nice quiet town where everyone knew everyone's name. Then one day a new person moved into town after a fellow resident moved away. Everyone went to greet their new member as the town was very close. The new member was a grump old man who did not like anyone in the town. He ended moving out within the first week because everyone was too nice. The End