Sunday, January 18, 2015

E Commerce Website

  1. Explain the type of website
E-Commerce websites are specialized websites which have various menus you can choose from to make purchases online so that you don't need to be searching all over the place for a specific item.
  1. Purpose of the site
The purpose of these sites are to allow people to buy things online and have them shipped to themselves or to others in order to avoid having to deal with the hassle of fighting other people over an item or dealing with an out of stock item.
  1. What is the advantage of this type of site
You can buy almost anything online as well as you can buy stuff only offered online as well as it is easy to be notified when something goes on sale, or is finally being sold to the public, or you don't have the ability to go out and make the purchases so you don't have to trouble anyone or yourself and just have the item shipped to you.
  1. What is the disadvantages of this type of site
When you purchase an item online it takes a while to get to you whereas if you purchase it in store you have it right there. There is also no guarantee that it will get to you in decent condition or on time because of various handling/delay issues.
  1. What is needed to set-up the site
You need a directory for the site so people can navigate easily to the type of items they wish to purchase, an up to date listing of all items available at the company at the moment, pricings for each item individually and a way to make purchases whether through paypal or a credit card or some means.
  1. What would the pages include for this site
There would be a home page for the site where you can see special deals or current hot items that the site offers at the moment, separate directory pages for each specific type of item that is sold as well as a specific page for each individual item, a customer service page for ways to track your purchase or get help with certain needs and a shopping cart page so you can view your current purchases as well as make the purchases for the items.
  1. What type of maintenance is involved and needed for this website
Constant updates to current sales of items, item prices as well as if the item is in stock or not and possibly how many are currently in stock.
  1. What software is needed to develop this site
You can go through separate softwares for the site such as Web-Hosting Service, Shopping Cart Software and Card Processing or you can go through an E-Commerce software pack such as Volusion, Shopify or Shopping Cart Elite.
  1. What coding methods will be used
HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript and MySQL
  1. What type of customer/client/individual/company uses this site and why
Normally big companies with large warehouses use these kinds of sites to get rid of inventory they don't need as well as make a profit but these kinds of sites can also be used by people who have specific skills to make unique or personalized items that people would find interesting and can't purchase from normal stores and things like that.
  1. Give examples of this type of site (Images) and Company names
  1. What makes this a static website or a Dynamic website and why
This is a Dynamic website because it has multiple parts of it that uses flash and interactive information on it.   It keeps the home page up to date with current special sales and lets you scroll through them without losing your place on the site where you are at.
  1. What type of hosting, server and other technologies are need to launch this site
You need a Web Hosting site to host your coding, a Card Processing application so people can make payments, and a Shopping Cart program so they can pick what they want
  1. Include references for your research

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